Arizona Math Collaborative (AMC) has launched and is working on four key priorities: rethinking Algebra 2, statistics pathways in and to higher education, data and financial literacy and equity for all Arizona students.
Center for Recruitment and Retention (CRR) of Mathematics Teachers partnership with ADE during COVID has expanded access to professional development workshops to teachers statewide (federal COVID relief funding)
Arizona Math Leaders (AML) and Arizona Association of Teachers of Mathematics (AATM) and the Center for the Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers (CRR) provide support through free professional learning opportunities for teachers, teacher leaders and administrators.
AML provides a free monthly Math Coaches Network.
AATM, Arizona Science Teachers Association (ASTA) and Arizona Technology in Education Association (AzTEA) were awarded a grant to purchase and maintain a Learning Management System to share practices across Arizona.
AATM was awarded a grant to provide Cognitively Guided Instruction to a cohort of teachers in grades 3-6.
Connections For Success, standards-based resources documents, were created by Arizona Math Teachers and Leaders supported by the ADE Math Standards Team. The documents make direct connections across middle school and high school content to help support teachers.