Incentivize recruitment for teachers of color. Incentivize teaching in high-need communities. Create incentives for teaching dual enrollment.
Provide an increase in base pay to educators receiving National Board Certification at the state level.
Provide incentives to teachers to address total compensation.
Consider incentives for housing (including the provision of housing directly), medical/insurance, and loan forgiveness programs.
Provide state health insurance to educators.
Improve working conditions. This includes addressing workloads, class sizes, behavioral issues, and protecting prep time. Ensure educators have access to mental health services.
Help teachers feel valued and appreciated. Change the narrative about the profession. Recognize and celebrate teacher excellence.
Provide comprehensive, authentic, and meaningful professional learning, instructional coaching, and support for Arizona’s educators.
Provide evidence-based induction and mentoring support for new teachers from quality mentors (multi-year), meaningful professional development, and leadership training for school administration.
Build in more calendar days for professional development.
Provide funding to schools to allow educators to select aligned professional development opportunities.
Ask the state universities to develop a common teacher preparation curriculum or courses in English and math.
Develop and strengthen the principal and district leadership pipeline.