Candidate Pledge: Support Achieve60AZ

Invest in Arizona’s Future:
Pledge to Increase Education Attainment

Approximately a decade ago, Arizona’s business community, elected, and education leaders agreed that for Arizona to remain economically competitive, 60 percent of residents aged 25-64 would need to complete some form of education or training beyond high school by 2030. This goal has become known as the Achieve60AZ goal. Attainment can include various options—four-year colleges, community colleges, apprenticeships, and workforce certification programs—to build a skilled and educated workforce.

Alarmingly, according to the non-partisan Education Progress Meter co-developed by Education Forward and the Center for the Future of Arizona, only 48 percent of Arizonans in this age group have achieved a post-high school credential or degree. With 2030 only five years away, there is a pressing need for action.

Education Forward Arizona and Helios Education Foundation’s recent study, “Billions to Gain,” shows that if this issue is addressed, all of Arizona stands to benefit, with an estimated $5 billion in new revenue. Attaining the Achieve60AZ goal will take a concerted and focused effort by Arizona’s elected state legislators in conjunction with business, education, non-profit, and community leaders.

Over the past year, Education Forward Arizona conducted a thorough public opinion study to better understand the desires of Arizona voters’ around increasing educational attainment goals as well as the barriers they face in pursuing more education and training. The results are available here. The bottom line is clear—Arizona voters demand action from their elected leaders, and the policies they overwhelmingly support are within legislators’ power to enact.

  1. 95% of Arizonans support increasing access to career training and readiness programs, including apprenticeships, internships, and professional certificate training programs
  2. 93% of Arizonans support expanding access to advanced placement and dual enrollment courses that allow high school students to earn college credits (with 64% strongly supporting)
  3. 89% of Arizonans support increasing online education and training opportunities by making college classes and job certification programs more accessible and convenient for working adults, parents with young children and residents of rural communities
  4. 83% of Arizonans support Funding Adult Technical Education to provide more workers, students, or adults looking to change careers with the financial resources needed to access job training and career education programs
  5. 81% of Arizonans support waiving fees and auto-enrolling eligible students in programs to earn college credits prior to high school graduation

We are asking legislative candidates to commit to substantive action in the 2025 State Legislative session to advance these policies that many Arizonans want to see enacted. Signatures will be publicly shared on Monday, October 21. Pledge your support now!