The Arizona College Access Network


The Arizona College Access Network (AzCAN), an initiative of Education Forward Arizona, is a community of college access professionals committed to closing the education attainment gap in Arizona.

Become a member

Our goal is to increase the percent of students enrolled in education or advanced training the semester after high school graduation to 70% by 2030. The efforts around increasing postsecondary enrollment will directly impact the Achieve60AZ attainment goal that 60% of Arizona adults (24-65) will hold a postsecondary degree, certificate, or license by 2030. Arizona has everything to gain by increasing postsecondary enrollment and attainment rates, including individual, social, and fiscal gains for our state.

We currently have membership representing more than 575 organizations across the state in every county, however, to reach these goals we must continue to grow this critical network. AzCAN members should include nonprofits, high school staff, parents, college outreach programs, funders, government agencies, and business leaders, all of whom are committed to advocating for and engaging in the work required to achieve the Education Progress Meter and Achieve60AZ goals.

AzCAN is a member of the National College Attainment Network.

Guiding Beliefs

Collaborative Partnerships

AzCAN brings individuals together to share knowledge, talent, innovative ideas and resources in a collaborative effort to increase attainment.


By empowering students and educators with training, resources and tools, we can increase access to education after high school and unlock a better future for Arizona students together.


AzCAN is committed to cultivating and activating a statewide network— including educators, community organizations, businesses and government entities—to advocate for students and educational improvements.

AzCAN Membership

Who Should Be a Member?

College access and success programs and professionals, friends, sponsors, businesses, and foundations who support college access.

Membership Benefits

  • College Access Professional (CAP) Training with options for recertification hours, Arizona College Access Professional Certification, and/or graduate credits for K12 salary advancement; additional professional development resources and opportunities
  • Comprehensive consultation around the implementation and evaluation of the AzCAN College Access Standards and Competencies in your organization or school
  • Regional Communities of Practice and an Annual Conference exploring best practices and resources
  • Partnerships and collaboration with local college access programs and statewide leaders in the access and attainment space
  • AzCAN Newsletter with regular updates and requests for advocacy on state and national issues while celebrating the work and advancement of Arizona education priorities
  • Student data from the National Student Clearinghouse at a reduced rate in August and November
  • Listing in the statewide member directory, available to the public

Contact Member Services

Questions or concerns? Please contact Dr. Jennifer Murphy or call our office at 602-636-1850.

Become a Member

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