Education Forward Arizona champions efforts that advance education attainment with a P-20 perspective and give all students a fair shot to succeed.

2024 Advocacy Priorities
Education Forward Arizona champions efforts that advance education attainment, P-20. We use our voice and mobilize the community to take action to support priority issues that will help the state increase education attainment and meet the goals in the Arizona Education Progress Meter.
Action Center
The Education Forward Arizona Action Center is where education champions can join us as we advocate for policies and funding that advance education attainment, with a P-20 perspective, and give every student a fair shot to succeed.

Arizona’s Education Priorities
Education Forward Arizona conducted a poll of Arizona voters to better understand voters’ priorities for education. The survey complements and is intended to go deeper on the findings in the Arizona Voters’ Agenda, in coordination with the Center for the Future of Arizona. What we found is that Arizonans deeply care most about the issues that will support good teaching and learning, not the political hot button issues that often get the most attention. Voters want to see candidates discussing key education issues, many of which are aligned with meeting the Arizona Education Progress Meter and Achieve60AZ attainment goals.

Hear the Candidates’ Views on AZ Education
Education Forward Arizona recently launched EdVotersArizona.org, a website where the candidates for Governor and Superintendent of Public Instruction are interviewed by one of education’s most important stakeholders – students. Together, they talk about Arizona’s most pressing education issues.

Education Forward Advocacy Network
The Education Forward Advocates Network is a coordinated, statewide network of business, education and community leaders as well as parents, teachers, and voters. Here, education champions are coming together to act and amplify their impact for all of Arizona’s students.
Reports & Briefs
Data has the power to drive courageous actions and support collaborations to meet the goals in the Arizona Education Progress Meter. Education Forward Arizona has released a series of reports and briefs that showcase the state of education in Arizona. You can view an archive of these reports here.

Arizonans have told us they are looking for a nonpartisan source of information about important P-20 education issues. In the Education Explainer series, we break down important issues from a nonpartisan perspective.