AdviseAZ receives more than $500k to continue supporting college attainment across Arizona
AmeriCorps recently announced that AdviseAZ will receive more than $500,000 to continue its college access work in Arizona.
AdviseAZ is an AmeriCorps program that places current college students or recent college graduates in low-income (Title I) high schools and communities to act as near-peer advisers.
The funding will help AdviseAZ place 65 advisers in communities across the state. These advisers will work alongside high school or community site staff to encourage students to pursue postsecondary education. They will help students navigate the complexities of the college exploration process, including admissions tests, college and scholarship applications and the FAFSA and financial aid process.
“My favorite moments were seeing students motivated and excited about their postsecondary plans and steps,” said Andrea Hernandez Limon, a 2021-2022 AdviseAZ member at Northern Arizona College Resource Center (NACRC). “Seeing students realize they will be able to go to college is amazing.”
Each member strives to meet the individual needs of the students and expand the coordination between school districts and other social service and community agencies to increase college-going and attainment rates.
“The program is very transformative,” added Jazmin Morales, a 2021-2022 AdviseAZ member at Sunnyside High School. “Not only did I enjoy it, but I also learned a lot about how to navigate being in a leadership position. The work was fulfilling and I would recommend it to anyone interested in education.”
On top of the experience, next year’s AdviseAZ members will be eligible to receive a collective amount of $160,828 in education awards that they can use to help pay for college or to repay student loans.
“We are thrilled to be able to continue providing high schools with near-peer advisers through AdviseAZ,” said Dr. Richard Daniel, executive vice president and chief operating officer for Education Forward Arizona. “The AmeriCorp funding will enable AdviseAZ to continue serving hundreds of students with the goal of expanding access to a postsecondary education.”
This funding is part of AmeriCorps’ recent investment of more than $580 million in grants and education awards to help support AmeriCorp positions and members across the United States.
If you have questions or would like to learn more about implementing AdviseAZ at your high school or site, feel free to call the AzCAN team at 602-636-1850 or email Marissa Ziering.
Learn more about becoming an AdviseAZ Adviser here.