Category: Advocacy Blogs


Advocating for Increased Access and Affordability of Early and Postsecondary Education

Education Forward Arizona is using its voice to advocate for the funding and policy changes needed to meet the goals in the Arizona Education Progress Meter. Recently, Education Forward Arizona has been supporting federal proposals for universal Pre-K, free community college and to increase the Pell Grant...


The Latest on Prop 208

By: Erin Hart, Senior Vice President and Chief of Policy and Community Impact Last week the Arizona Supreme Court issued a decision about Prop 208. So, what does this ruling mean for Prop 208 and for education funding in Arizona? The short answer is the decision puts Prop 208 in jeopardy, which could take away […]


What’s included for education in the proposed Arizona budget

On May 24, 2021, the Arizona Legislature introduced a $12.8 billion proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022. The introduced version of the budget is similar to a draft shared last week, with a few exceptions, including more funding for the universities and for a fourth year of Career and Technical Education...


Lawmakers should heed voters, education is important

Behind closed doors, Arizona legislators are currently hammering out details of a budget proposal for the next fiscal year. Legislators lobby for the items they say their constituents care most about. Concessions are made and deals are brokered and, unfortunately, the process is often partisan and contentious...