Category: First Things First
Early years hold the key to a child’s — and Arizona’s — success
A child’s early years hold the key to their success — and Arizona’s — because children who are healthy and prepared when they enter kindergarten do better in school and are more likely to graduate and enroll in college. And well-educated adults are more prepared for the job opportunities of a global marketplace and to […]
Getting your child ready for kindergarten
By: First Things First Families with children entering kindergarten next school year should already be thinking about getting their child ready for their first day of school. In fact, many schools hold their kindergarten registration events beginning early in the year...
The early years are the best years to develop brain connections for school success
By: First Things First Babies don’t come with instruction manuals. That’s why First Things First, Arizona’s early childhood agency, works to help families of young children feel confident in their role as their child’s first and best teacher...
Baby, let’s talk! Serve and return
By: First Things First Even though they can’t use words yet, having little back-and-forth conversations with your baby is the best way you can help them learn and develop language. Responding to your child with words, conversation and attention makes a big, positive impact on their learning and healthy development...
Parents: Be a voice for young kids and families in your Arizona community
By: First Things First Are you looking for a way to make a difference in the lives of young children and families in your community? First Things First (FTF) has openings for parents of young children and other volunteers to serve on FTF regional partnership councils across Arizona...