Darcy Renfro
Chief Workforce and Economic Development Officer
Darcy Renfro oversees the workforce and economic development strategies for the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) as well as advising the Chancellor on government and community affairs. MCCCD is one of the largest community college systems in the nation serving approximately 200,000 students and nearly 10,000 faculty and staff members across 10 colleges in the metropolitan Phoenix area. As part of the Chancellor’s executive team, Ms. Renfro is helping to create a new division focused on workforce and economic development to advance MCCCD’s ability to meet employer and community needs and prepare students with skills necessary in today’s job market.
Prior to her current role, Ms. Renfro served as the policy advisor to Governor Janet Napolitano for workforce, economic development and higher education, and was founding Director of The Arizona We Want Institute at the Center for the Future of Arizona where she was responsible for strategic direction and development of a series of “Progress Meters” to establish clear metrics for Arizona in achieving its citizens’ goals. She also helped build a community coalition to establish an educational attainment goal for Arizona, now Achieve60AZ. Ms. Renfro previously worked as the founding Director of the Arizona STEM Education Network at Science Foundation Arizona.
Ms. Renfro is a licensed attorney in Arizona and has practiced at the Phoenix offices of Fennemore Craig, P.C. Prior to law school, she worked on Capitol Hill for the U.S. Senators Dennis DeConcini (AZ) and Howard Metzenbaum (OH).
Ms. Renfro is a native of Tucson and received both her undergraduate and Juris Doctor Degrees from the University of Arizona.