Where are they now? Checking in with College Knowing & Going’s 2021-22 Student Ambassadors
College Knowing & Going (CKG), which is focused on increasing the number of students who complete steps toward a postsecondary education, had 31 student ambassadors graduate from high school earlier this year.
Funded by Helios Education Foundation and operated by Education Forward Arizona, CKG mobilized these influential students to inspire their peers to pursue higher education by helping with the logistics of doing so.
The student ambassadors spent the 2021-22 academic year helping increase college preparation and enrollment across their entire school while working in conjunction with their CKG coordinator, the school’s CKG College Readiness Team (CRT) and school contact to execute their goals.
Now that the 2022-23 academic year has started, we checked in with some of these ambassadors to see how they’re enjoying college.
Belle Brady
Belle Brady graduated from Pueblo High School. She is now at Creighton University.
“So far college has been filled with many events. It felt like my social battery was running out each night but they were great experiences to meet new people and make new friends.
Classes just started and I’ve been working at the bookstore and CU Campus Ministry since mid-July. I’ve already found my group of people within my Ratio Studiorum Program and I cannot wait for what else Creighton University has in store for me, go bluejays!”

Esperanza Guizar

Esperanza Guizar graduated Cibola High School. She will be attending Columbia University this semester.
“Although I haven’t started my academic school year, I was able to attend a summer program at Columbia. It was a rigorous four weeks, but I was able to meet so many great people and explore NYC. I’m still debating between biology or public health on a pre-med track!”
Maya San Roman
Maya San Roman graduated from Yuma High School. She is now at Arizona State University.
“My first week at ASU has been full of new experiences. I have made so many new friendships as well as really immersed myself in everything ASU has to offer, whether that be sports games, clubs, research opportunities. or cultural events.

The list of possibilities is never-ending! I know that with the support and resources available I will be able to thrive in this new chapter of my life. I am majoring in Psychology and aspire to become an Occupational Therapist working with people with disabilities. Go Sun Devils!”
Lily Jones

Lily Jones graduated from Cholla High School. She is now at the University of Arizona.
“I am double majoring in East Asian Studies and Spanish Translation and Interpretation with, eventually, two minors in Korean and Classics.”
Diego Medina
Diego Medina graduated from Nogales High School. He is now at the University of Arizona.
“I’m majoring in Business Management and at the moment, I don’t really know what my future career plans are.”

Adriana Grijalva

Adriana Grijalva graduated from Pueblo High School. She is now at the University of Arizona.
“My first week of college was crazy. It is definitely an adjustment from high school. On my first day of school, I did get lost but I’m slowly making new friends and adjusting to the work. I am undeclared as of right now. This semester I am doing a congressional internship to see if this is something I want to pursue in the future. I’m excited about this semester and look forward to all my coffee runs. Bear down 🐻⬇️”