Action Center

Welcome to the Education Forward Arizona Action Center. Join us as we advocate for policies and legislation that will help build a stronger economy and brighter future for Arizona by making education a priority for all students. We want to make sure that Arizona students and educators are supported as they pursue initiatives that positively impact the Education Progress Meter.
Get started by signing up for our Advocates Network.
Take Action
Past Actions
Thank you for your help in advocating for these issues earlier during last year’s legislative session.
Address the School Spending Cap Today
Email your legislators and the Governor to ask them to convene a special session to allow schools to spend the funding that they have already been given.
Prioritize Arizona Education
Add your signature to our sign on letter asking candidates to support the education issues that matter to Arizonans.
Oppose School Voucher Expansion
Email your legislators to let them know you oppose the universal expansion of Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (school vouchers).
Prioritize P-20 Education in the Budget
Email your legislators today to ask them to prioritize early education, K-12 and postsecondary education in this year’s budget.
Don't Lower Standards for AZ Teachers
Email your Representatives asking them to vote no on SB1159, which will lower standards for Arizona educators if passed.
Oppose School Funding Overhaul
Email the House Appropriations Committee to oppose SB1269, a major school finance overhaul that DECREASES funding for teacher pay.
Support Struggling Schools
Email the Senate Appropriations Committee to ask them to oppose HB2284 which proposes to take over, consolidate or shut down D or F schools.
Teachers Matter
Email the House Education Committee to ask them to oppose SB1412, which would remove the requirement for substitute teachers to have a Bachelor’s degree.
Send a Thank You Email
Your note will go to the bi-partisan leaders who introduced the resolutions to exceed Aggregate Expenditure Limit!
High Expectations Matter
Email the Senate Education Committee today to tell them that all Arizona students deserve to be prepared for college and career.
Make Your Voice Heard
Email the Governor and your legislators today to tell them what priorities are important to you in the state budget.