Mentoring & Coaching
College can be a daunting experience, but by partnering with a Success Adviser, students benefit from a personal adviser helping them navigate the challenges of college life, academics and career.
Our Success Advisers highlight opportunities for success and support in overcoming barriers, make connections with campus resources, and help students navigate the college system for a smooth transition into their career.
Our advisers serve as a caring source of support and are available via text, email and phone for their students. Our Success Advisers also plan events to help students feel a sense of belonging in their community. We facilitate peer networking events on college campuses, as well as more formal events such as our Career Week and Annual Leadership Symposium.
Our College Success Services Include
- Dedicated Success Adviser with In-Person Success Adviser Mentoring Sessions
- New Scholar Orientation
- Personalized Milestones Program (Career, Academic, and Life) with Goal Setting
- Academic Tracking and Semester Checkup
- Academic and Enrollment Advising and Transfer Support
- FAFSA Assistance and Financial Aid Advocacy
- Ongoing e-Communications and e-Mentoring
- Peer Mentoring through Scholar Success Network Events
- Annual Leadership Symposium
- Career Week Event
- Ongoing Career Counseling
Over the last 15 years, we have developed a comprehensive approach to assist students in reaching their educational goals. The Career, Academic, and Life Milestones program was created to further guide students, maintain consistency and gather data to track their progress. Goals are created each semester and progress is tracked at each student interaction.
The mission of Success Services is to increase student persistence through enabling and empowering each student to learn how to create their own toolbox for success in academics and career, and to practice healthy life skills, all while being supported by a caring and knowledgeable professional. Success Advisers typically meet with students in person and maintain ongoing communication throughout the semester via electronic means such as texts and emails.
Our mentoring partners are: