About AdviseAZ
AdviseAZ AmeriCorps is part of a national service movement striving to increase the number of students who enroll in and complete postsecondary education. AmeriCorps offers opportunities for Arizonans to make a substantial commitment to serving their country, mobilizing at the local level to build a national movement for positive change.
1:1 Meetings with Students
Our near-peer model strongly endorses the student-Adviser relationship, particularly emphasizing the student’s interests and goals during the college exploration and application processes.
Family Engagement
At AdviseAZ, we highlight the significant role that our students’ families play in college access for our students. As such, we train our students on how to interact with their families when navigating the application process.
College Awareness
To promote college awareness, our Advisers are often tasked with facilitating college representative visits, college fairs, and campus tours at our schools.
Since financial constraints often pose the largest roadblock in the college application process for our students, our Advisers aim to help every student at their schools apply for federal student aid.
College Applications
In an effort to increase equity in college access, our Advisers aim to assist every student at their schools in applying to college. To do so, we help our students create balanced college lists, consisting of safety, match, and reach schools.
To help our students develop competitive college applications, our Advisers ensure that all their students receive appropriate preparation for and take the SAT/ACT multiple times to maximize their test scores.