National Student Clearinghouse
The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is the nation’s trusted source for education verification and student education outcomes research. More than 3,600 colleges and universities, enrolling more than 97% of all students in public and private U.S. institutions, participate in NSC. Only the NSC can offer FERPA-compliant access to a nationwide coverage of enrollment and degree records, encompassing more than 110 million students and growing.
With student data from the NSC, school districts, institutions, and community organizations can track the following:
- Date enrollment in a college/university
- Enrollment status and major
- Graduation data and degree
AzCAN members are eligible to receive a significantly discounted “per student record” rate. Typically, high schools and outreach programs would need an annual subscription with the NSC, which ranges from $425 to $2,500 in cost.
Education Forward Arizona maintains an annual NSC membership and is able to submit student data requests on behalf of AzCAN members who sign a 3-year MOU agreement with Education Forward Arizona. AzCAN members are then eligible to submit a data request to Education Forward Arizona twice a year (August and November), which will then be submitted to NSC.The NSC will compare the requested student files with its national database and provide matches for the enrollment and academic achievements back to Education Forward Arizona to distribute to requesting organizations.
Contact to learn more about the National Student Clearinghouse AzCAN member benefit or to request an MOU agreement.